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    Sandpoint X3
    PrMC Card
    PrMC Card
    Wire OR
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hardware | TeraStation | software


Last Update: "2007/10/06 14:42:30 makoto"


The arch/sandpoint, and arch/powercp are checked out with -r ppcoea-renovation.
with Athlon X2 BE2350, and with -j 4, ./build.sh completes a little more than an hour.
   205  0:44    cd /export/src
   211  0:45    cvs update -dP
   212  1:12    time sudo ./build.sh -m sandpoint -j 4 > & log-sandpoint-j-4
pax: Unable to access ./pmppc/include/disklabel.h (No such file or directory)
   217  9:07    cvs update -A -dP sys/arch/pmppc
nbconfig: Cannot read `GENERIC.X2': No such file or directory
ttypa:makoto@catania 10:06:05/071006(/export/src)> cvs update -A sys/arch/sandpoint/conf/GENERIC.X2
U sys/arch/sandpoint/conf/GENERIC.X2
   213  1:12    rm log-sandpoint-j-4
   214  1:12    time sudo ./build.sh -m sandpoint -j 4 release > & log-sandpoint-j-4
   215  9:01    less log-sandpoint-j-4
   216  9:06    cvs status sys/arch/pmppc
   217  9:07    cvs update -A -dP sys/arch/pmppc
   218  9:08    time sudo ./build.sh -m sandpoint -j 4 release > & log-sandpoint-j-4-pmppc
   219  10:06   ls sys/arch/sandpoint/conf/GENERIC*
   220  10:06   cvs update -A sys/arch/sandpoint/conf/GENERIC.X2
GENERIC.X2:3: cannot open /export/src/sys/arch/sandpoint/conf/GENERIC.sandpoint for reading: No such file or directory
ttypa:makoto@catania 12:35:32/071006(/export/src)> time sudo 
./build.sh -m sandpoint -j 4 release > & log-sandpoint-j-4-pmppc-GENERIC.sandpoint-again
5036.552u 1348.288s 1:02:12.11 171.0%   0+0k 10513+1109829io 11455pf+100w
ttypa:makoto@catania 13:37:49/071006(/export/src)> 
make release started at:  Sat Oct  6 12:35:40 JST 2007
make release finished at: Sat Oct  6 13:37:49 JST 2007
===> Successful make release
===> build.sh ended:   Sat Oct  6 13:37:49 JST 2007
===> Summary of results:
         build.sh command: ./build.sh -m sandpoint -j 4 release
         build.sh started: Sat Oct  6 12:35:37 JST 2007
         NetBSD version:   4.99.31
         MACHINE:          sandpoint
         MACHINE_ARCH:     powerpc
         Build platform:   NetBSD 4.99.29 i386
         HOST_SH:          /bin/sh
         TOOLDIR path:     /export/src/obj/tooldir.NetBSD-4.99.29-i386
         DESTDIR path:     /export/src/obj/destdir.sandpoint
         RELEASEDIR path:  /export/src/obj/releasedir
         makewrapper:      /export/src/obj/tooldir.NetBSD-4.99.29-i386/bin/nbmake-sandpoint
         Updated /export/src/obj/tooldir.NetBSD-4.99.29-i386/bin/nbmake-sandpoint
         Successful make release
         build.sh ended:   Sat Oct  6 13:37:49 JST 2007
===> .
Last Update: Sat, 07 Jun 2014 13:16:17 GMT 1.66 2008/03/08